Women Who Lead: Cat Vielma on Affordable Housing, Community, and Impact, WAHNcast EmpowHER—Episode 10
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In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, WAHN is thrilled to feature the incredible , a trailblazer in the affordable housing industry, and member of our Advisory Board.
With over 20 years of experience spanning public, private, and nonprofit sectors, Cat has dedicated her career to ensuring that hardworking families have access to safe, affordable housing. Born in Chile and raised in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood, Cat brings a unique and deeply personal perspective to her work as the Director of Acquisitions where she leverages tax credit investments to tackle the housing crisis across the Pacific Northwest, the Rockies, and the Midwest.
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CSG Advisors Incorporated is a national, full service, independent financial advisor that assists public finance clients in the design, financing and implementation of affordable housing, urban redevelopment and economic development initiatives. Over the past 20 years, CSG has advised on more housing bonds than any other municipal advisor, as reported by Thompson Reuters. CSG Advisors is entirely employee-owned and independent. Employee owners include minorities and women.