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CSG Advisors Is Growing, Welcoming Adam Cray

SAN FRANCISCO – CSG Advisors (CSG) is very pleased to announce that Adam Cray has joined the firm as a vice president effective June 2022...
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Recent Press

  1. EmpowHER Ep 12: Behind the Walls: Delicia Gunn on Sustainable Solutions - [PODCAST] Listen Now >>
  2. EmpowHER Ep 11: Revitalizing Communities: Insights from Nicole Ferreira - Listen Now >>
  3. EmpowHER Ep 10: Women Who Lead: Cat Vielma on Affordable Housing, Community, and Impact [PODCAST] Listen Now >>
  4. EmpowHER Ep 9: From Global Impact to Local Change: Lopa Kolluri’s Affordable Housing Story - [PODCAST] Listen Now >>
  5. EmpowHER Ep 8: Commissioner Eileen Higgins: Innovative Housing and Government Collaboration - [PODCAST] Listen Now >>
  6. EmpowHER Ep 7: Sharon Wilson Geno, President-Elect of NMHC: Housing Matters: Conversations on the Vital Link Between Shelter and Security - [PODCAST] Listen Now >>
  7. EmpowHER Ep 6: Emily Cadik, CEO Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition: The Power of Expertise - [PODCAST] Listen Now >>

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