Commissioner Eileen Higgins: Innovative Housing and Government Collaboration, WAHNcast - Ep 17 with Tanya Dempsy and Nicole Graham EmpowHER—Episode 8

Commissioner Eileen Higgins: Innovative Housing and Government Collaboration, WAHNcast EmpowHER—Episode 8

Listen to this episode on Spotify.

Join us for an inspiring power hour with Commissioner Eileen Higgins, a trailblazer and someone who has a lifetime of community service in communities she has lived around the world. She delves into her impactful work with innovative mixed-income projects and transformative community initiatives. An especially insightful part of the discussion is around logical interaction between government, legislators, and the housing authority to ensure budgeting, permitting and more do not hold us to the development of new projects. This dynamic discussion highlights her dedication to improving lives and fostering vibrant, inclusive communities.

“You have to ask a woman 10x to be president, whereas a man just wakes up one morning and says: I’m going to be President!” – Commissioner Higgins laughs.

In this episode of EmpowHer, we spoke with the lovely Eileen Higgins, Miami-Dade County Commissioner – District 5 (approx. 3 Million people) for the past 6 years (and on the ticket again).

“There are a million ways to be helpful in this world.” – She states, which pretty much sums up her approach to life.

After a 10 year career as Director of The Peace Corps in Belize, Southern Africa and Mexico (truly impressive), she was disappointed when she returned to Miami to find that people were talking about the same issues – no public transportation, low-wage jobs in tourism, and increasingly more expensive housing.

So she made it her mission to find someone to run for office to fix these issues. After several “no’s”, she decided to do it herself. Wow.

Listen to the episode to hear:

  • Her best advice – “Learn about people you don’t already know.”
  • Why she joined a parrot club and knitting circle to prepare to run for office.
  • What scares her – It’s not what you think.
  • Her advice to women – “If you try to do everything, you end up doing nothing.”
  • Her forever food – Listen to find out!

CSG Advisors Incorporated is a national, full service, independent financial advisor that assists public finance clients in the design, financing and implementation of affordable housing, urban redevelopment and economic development initiatives. Over the past 20 years, CSG has advised on more housing bonds than any other municipal advisor, as reported by Thompson Reuters. CSG Advisors is entirely employee-owned and independent. Employee owners include minorities and women.


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