Emily Cadik, CEO of Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition: The Power of Expertise, WAHNcast EmpowHER—Episode 6
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Emily Cadik is highly respected in the affordable housing sector, with WAHN as one of her biggest fan clubs. Her advice on exposure therapy as a tool for personal growth highlights her bravery, evident in her early career as a trailblazing woman in many male-dominated spaces. Through her insightful points on self-worth and knowledge sharing, she’s earned widespread respect and continues to inspire with her evolving work in the field throughout the year.
“At my first job [at U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development], I visit 13 housing agencies around the country and learned what public housing looks like – in Baltimore (where I visited a 1,400 unit project) versus Boulder, Colorado (where their public housing has community gardens and bikes sit outside without locks).
I saw how important affordable housing was and how few young people were in it, so I stuck around to see where I could make an impact.”
– Emily Cadik, CEO at Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition
Emily is a true trailblazer in the Affordable Housing industry, and we’re honored to share our interview with her on this week’s episode of EmpowHER, hosted by CSG Advisors Co-CEOs Tanya Dempsey and Nicole Graham.
More EmpowHER Episodes
CSG Advisors Incorporated is a national, full service, independent financial advisor that assists public finance clients in the design, financing and implementation of affordable housing, urban redevelopment and economic development initiatives. Over the past 20 years, CSG has advised on more housing bonds than any other municipal advisor, as reported by Thompson Reuters. CSG Advisors is entirely employee-owned and independent. Employee owners include minorities and women.